Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blog assignment 8

I'd like you to reflect on the NationState game. What's working, and what isn't? How is your nation making its decisions, and are you happy with it? Would you like your nation to be more aggressive, or less, or take another route? Do you have an agreed-upon strategy for dealing with other countries or city-states? Are you proactive or reactive? Are there examples in the real world that you are using as models for where you'd like your nation to end up? Which ones and why? 

I think the NationState game is entertaining and It keeps me guessing and thinking of new ways to get over the obstacles it puts in front of our group. It seems to kind of jump around which is not necessarily a bad thing but can be a little confusing. My nation seems to be efficient at working on our assignments in class as we let everyone in group put their two cents in, which really helps. I think my nation has an okay attitude as we are pretty aggressive when we need to be yet always think things through. We don't really have a set strategy for with other countries or city states other than talking it out and thoughtfully making a decision. Even though we instantly went to war with the first other country we came into contact with and beat them in a close-call dice game. Id say my country is more reactive. I see my country ending up like a cross between the United Kingdom in its prime and Denmark; A truly interesting and fun country to live in. I love Denmark, the feel of it, and the atmosphere. The United Kingdom helped create good music and that in it's self is amazing.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Assignment 8

I'd like you to reflect on the NationState game. What's working, and what isn't? How is your nation making its decisions, and are you happy with it? Would you like your nation to be more aggressive, or less, or take another route? Do you have an agreed-upon strategy for dealing with other countries or city-states? Are you proactive or reactive? Are there examples in the real world that you are using as models for where you'd like your nation to end up? Which ones and why? Use standard blogging rules for both your original blog entry and your comment.

I like the NationState game, the problem I'm having is that it seems like very scrambled; which isn't really anyones fault considering the game is still "new".
When making decisions we just kind of all throw ideas out there and then considered everything; then as a group figure out the best decision weighing the pro's and con's.
I am happy with the way things are decided in our country because it gives everyone the chance to present their "argument" and then from their the can see where the idea is good and bad.
Our philosophy was to just not socialize with the other groups and not bother them; that was last I heard, but I was not in class on April 19th, so things might have changed since then.
I personally am looking at Switzerland for some decisions and Englands "older style" of government for other decisions. I love Switzerland's policies when it comes to foreign countries; they just don't get involved. And I love Englands "old school" style of government because it worked/s very well for them; they are efficient (though sometimes slower) and try to keep mistakes to a minimum, which is a great quality in a government. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1.(I'd say everyone has been doing their best with the busy lives tht all of us in the group have)So i'd give me a 5. say tht we need some who can actually mke a little bit of time so tht we as a group can meet up nd maybe rehears for things such as our mid term so everything is decided upon in the last 15seconds b4 class.but i dnt think we should eliminate neone from the group cuz in actuality we wrk well together when we are upon one another as a group.
A. Showing up : 10B. Doing your fair share:6C. Being on time:10D. Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members:7E.Handling conflict among group members:7F.Being present in the group--not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting:10
1.listen to one another
2.try and be available to meet up as a group outside of school as often as need be
3. dont come with a hang over.
4.treat every1 in the group the way u expect to b treated
5.stay in contact with one another as much as possible.

Midterm Reflection

Please refelct on your midtermm assignment and its presentation. Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was, and answer the following questions:

1. In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less? How did that affect your group's performance? Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).
It is not easy to work in groups, but as the group leader I felt like I was relied on a little too much. Yes, I should be providing clarifications and making sure everyone is doing their part and working together, but when I have to actually walk every single team member through each of their parts individually then it all becomes overwhelming. I would definitely say that I was one that did more than my fair share in this group. We ended up being able to perform alright I guess, but sometimes things were made ten times more complicated then they needed to be. Although, when someone doesn't do their blog it is a poor look on our blog posts and the overall quality of the blog. I would give myself a 9 because there were a few times where it may have taken me a little while to respond to calls or texts, but for the most part I was always available and in class to provide clarification.

2. If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point? If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job? No need to name names.
Yes, unfortunately there are a few members in my group who are not involved at all and don't really communicate that well. If I were to be adding someone else to the group they would definitely have to be reliable and have excellent communication skills. A group cannot succeed without communication.

3. How important were basic workplace rules in your group? Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:A. Showing up : 10
B. Doing your fair share: 7
C. Being on time: 5
D. Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members: 10
E. Handling conflict among group members: 9
F. Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting: 10

4. Please come up with 5 rules for having an effective group:
2. Ask questions, but attempt to answer them yourselves before reaching out.
3. Pay attention in class
4. Try to be available outside of class
5. Do your part of the bargain.

Blog Assignment 7 -- Reflections on the MIdterm

Please refelct on your midtermm assignment and its presentation.  Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was, and answer the following questions:

1.  In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less?  How did that affect your group's performance?  Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least?  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).
A.  Showing up :7
B.  Doing your fair share:5
C.  Being on time:8
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members:10
A.  Showing up :7
B.  Doing your fair share:5
C.  Being on time:8
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members:10
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cellphone calls or text messages when the group is meeting.:10

I believe there was definitely a few other people in the group who did more than their fair share while others including myself did less.  I was one of the two people absent in my group the day we had our presentation on capitol punishment, so I presented my own a week later on my own and did not get to see me my other group members perform. I researched well enough and my blog up and ready,  but I failed to execute my presentation properly which surely was not 5 minutes. I think on a scale of 1 to 10 I feel I earned a solid 3.

2.  If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point?  If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job?  No need to name names.

I would not wan't anyone to join or leave the group. I appreciate all of our group members as we all seem to have good ideas but usually are totally different.

3.  How important were basic workplace rules in your group?  Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:
E.  Handling conflict among group members :10

5 rules for having fun in the group:

1: Always stay communicated with the other group members.

2: Always try to know what the current group assignment is and keep everyone up to date.

3: Always try to listen to what other group members might have to say and let everyone express their ideas.

4: Everyone should be on the same level and should not have to always rely on the group to the point to where they do not rely on themselves.

5: Speak up and be considerate when others offer criticism which can be and is usually is always helpful

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Group Dynamics

Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was:

1.  In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less?  How did that affect your group's performance?  Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least?  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).

Yes, and sadly yes. Me :( I'm pretty sure I made things not as good as it coul've and I'm very sorry. I'm medium I did my other things, I stidied alot on the death penalty on how is done but I wasnt there and thats bad. But since I was absent Id give me a big fat 1 :( and I wasnt able to text to let people even know

2.  If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point?  If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job?  No need to name names.

No, I like our group and we always come up with good ideas, but if we added someone itd be someone who could hold together the small amount of disharmony we have

3.  How important were basic workplace rules in your group?  Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:

A.  Showing up: 10
B.  Doing your fair share: 10
C.  Being on time 10
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members 10
E.  Handling conflict among group members 10
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. 7

(I say 10 because important even if we didnt make it happen)

4.  Please come up with Five Rules for Having an Effective Group.

1: make sure you can always keep contact with at least leader tell leader everything
2: if one group memeber is fooling around attempt to push them to try harder
3: make sure there is harmony try to be the harmony keeper
4: always be postive when responding to someones idea, never say, thats dumb, say maybe thats good but instead
5: Listen to leader!!!!

Blog Assignment 7 -- Reflections on the MIdterm -- Due April 17

Please refelct on your midtermm assignment and its presentation.  Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was, and answer the following questions:

1.  In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less?  How did that affect your group's performance?  Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least?  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).

I feel like everyone did their fair share of course we were missing a couple people during our presentation and I think that did affect our performance since we expected to have more people during our 20 minutes. My presentation was not very long I had meant for it to be longer but I get really nervous talking in front of classes. I feel like I would deserve maybe a 7 or 8 just because I did my presentation and answered questions at the end but I defenetly think mine could have been better.

2.  If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point?  If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job?  No need to name names.

I wouldn't want to remove anyone from our group were all different and I think that's a good thing to have in a group. 

3.  How important were basic workplace rules 

in your group?  Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:

A.  Showing up 9
B.  Doing your fair share 9
C.  Being on time 10
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members 9
E.  Handling conflict among group members 10
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. 10

4.  Please come up with Five Rules for Having an Effective Group. 

1. Being cooperative
2. Listening to what everyone has to say
3. Do more as a group instead of individually
4. Speak your opinions
5. Meet up other than just in class

Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog Assignment 7 -- Reflections on the MIdterm -- Due April 17

Please refelct on your midtermm assignment and its presentation.  Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was, and answer the following questions:

1.  In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less?  How did that affect your group's performance?  Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least?  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).

I feel like their were people who did less than their share, solely because they did not have anything else to say, or anything that was relevant. The groups performance overall was not what I expected due to having two people absent on the presentation day. I feel like I contributed a huge amount to this project, but also comparative to a few of the other people; as in we took the majority of the work. My scaled performance compared to others in the group would be a 9 in my opinion.

2.  If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point?  If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job?  No need to name names.

I would not add anyone to the group nor would I take someone out; even though the group tends to disagree I do enjoy hearing the different opinions that are offered during our discussions and decision making processes.

3.  How important were basic workplace rules in your group?  Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:

A.  Showing up  10
B.  Doing your fair share 8
C.  Being on time 10
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members 9
E.  Handling conflict among group members  8
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. 10

4.  Please come up with Five Rules for Having an Effective Group.

1. Communication
2. Know when to say what's on your mind verses inappropriate times to speak
3. Make sure that you are prepared to do your best and help other's do theirs
4. Think of the group; help when needed and offer criticism when needed
5.  Do not rely too heavily on the group; make sure you are knowledgable in all aspects of the work in case someone else isn't ready with their required "area" of focus

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Before I get started I unnderstand that this is late and i understand that ill probably get a zero on this but i want it turned in. I have had trouble getting my electronics that i do my homework on to work lately but I hope that you at-least read this.
And to my group I apologize for the inconvenience of my mid-term being late. Enjoi


The death penalty is punishment inwhich the personwho committedthe offense is put to death by the state.
Currently35 of the 50 states have a death penalty as well as the Federal Government and the U.S Military. The resolution allows states to continue to use the death penalty if they choose.

From some research I have found out that it cost California tax payers $90,000 a year per inmate on death row. I also found out that California could save over a billion dollars in over the next 5years if we took away the death penalty. But that is not what my argument is about.What my argument is about why I am for the death penalty. My opinion on the fact that i have found out are that California tax payers could save more money in the long run if we spent 22cents for a bullet per inmate on death row and lined them up and put a bullet in the back of their head execution style or even between the eyes. I dont feel like California tax payers should have to pay to keep child molesters,rapist,murderers (unless there is a valid reason for the murder itself)or people who commit torture,treason and or kidnapping alive. As long as experts have proven that the charges against the defendant are apodictic [indisputably true] (everyone has the right to a fair trial) then they should be killed immediately after being convicted. It'll save  money. Fuck their appeals!

I see that the death penalty honors human dignity by treating the defendant as a free moral actor able to control his own destiny for good or for ill, it does not treat him as an animal with no moral sense.

well thatsthatsthats all folks :) 
porky the pig couldnt say it better himself :p

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The history of Capitol Punishment in America

Ways and dates first used in Amercan History

-Execution by:

1608- Fireing Squad

1890- Electrocution

1924- Cyanide Gas

1982- Lethal injection

History of Reform

-In the colonies

Capitol Punishment in the United States came mostly from Britain influence as the very first settlers from Europe seeking the "New world" brought the tradition with them. By the time the 13 colonies of America had established themselves they had also established vastly different death penalty laws. For example some of the crimes considered worthy of capitol punishment in the laws of Virginia were as petty stealing fruit or Bartering with Indians. Under the Duke's laws of 1665, the colony New York considered physically hurting ones parent or denying God was punishable for death.  The first ever recorded execution in American history took place in  Jamestown, Virginia 1608.  Captain George Kendall was charged for espionage in the act of spying for Spain and was executed by fireing squad for his crimes. The first ever recorded execution of a Virginia woman, Jane Champion, in 1632 for crimes still unknown. Not all of the colonies were advocates of the death penalty however. Thanks to founder William Penn the colony of Pennsylvania had ideas of government that took root heavily in Quaker beliefs which favored a less violent way of life. In the 1700's the first ever attempt to reform capitol punishment to where the only crimes punishable by death would be murder or treason was presented in a bill written by our forefather Thomas Jefferson. The bill was unfortunately vetoed by only one vote. By 1794 Pennsylvania had made it to where murder was the only crime punishable by death and in 1834, after the writing of Declaration of Independence, it would all together stop public executions and be the first state to carry them out in correctional facilities.

-In the states

The reforms of Capitol punishment continued as Michigan would follow suit of that of Pennsylvania by setting treason as the only crime punishable by death. Rhode island and Wisconsin would be next to completely to abolish it. Many other states followed suit as their are 35 states to this date that have abolished it completely while 18 states have an enforceable death penalty still in place. In 1838 an enactment of discretion was introduced to death penalty process which was considered a great abolition victory. The abolition movement continued strong until the 1920's when criminology experts of the time stated that the death penalty was needed in order to keep balance of society. As this research gained momentum so greatly did the number of people being executed from the 1920's all the way through 1940's. There was an estimated 167 execution per year in that time period. This gave way in the 1960's as the death penalty was stated as "cruel and unusual" under the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment states that "nor shall any state deprive any person of a life, liberty or property without due process of law. 1972 brought about the Supreme Court suspending 40 state death penalty statutes in response to the result of the case Furman vs Georgia. In the 21st century we are still dealing with reforms of the death penalty

Against the Death Penalty

When you see or hear stories about how a person murdered or raped someone or hurt someone to one extent or another you probably think yes they deserve the death penalty. These people probably don't deserve to live but at what cost. Each year California's taxpayers pay about $90,000 to put someone on death row than they would be paying for a life sentence. California alone could save roughly around a billion dollars over the next 5 years by replacing the death penalty with permanent imprisonment. Although its not just about the cost in a literal sense, it's also about the cost of taking a life for another life to make something right. There are many people who have been proven or presumed innocent after being on death row. Whats sad is that most of them that were proven innocent were already executed or had been on death row for quite a few years just waiting to die for something they didnt do. When they are executed there are usually a few executioners so no one will know which one actually killed the inmate but thats still murder as well so how does that make it right. Some of these people may deserve it but is it really right for us to take their life away as well?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Death Penalty, The Background, Or What Takes Place

First of all there are different methods to use for the death penalty. Firing Squad which has been used 3 times since 1976, hanging which has also been used 3 times, then a gas chamber which has been used 11 times, electrocution, which has been used 158 times, and then lethal injection which has been used 1150 times.
 Lethal Injection is the most modern and common way.

But before anything happens, there is a very intense trial, jurors are presented with facts by skilled advocates under civil rules of evidence and come to a reasoned judgement, and are put to a test. People can be on death row for decades, waiting for their cases to work their way through the appeals process, some people even die before reaching the execution chamber.

The capital punishment process begins when a person is convicted of a crime and sentenced to death, while appeals are made to the court the prisoner lives in a section called Death Row.

Once the appeals are exhausted, an execution order is given and a date is set for the execution. The inmate is now moved to the next area of prison called Death Watch.

During the final 24 hours a prisoner can be visited by several people, family, friends, attorneys, and spiritual advisers. They are halted some time during that last day.

The last meal is provided, and sometimes, the prison attempts to provide whatever the prisoner requests.

The warden and chaplain visit, and also stay until the end of the execution.

Then witnesses arrive, no contact is allowed between the witness, and the prisoner, they are instructed to remain silent.

The prisoner is allowed to make final preparations, some are allowed to shower and get dressed, some are required to remove all clothing.

A heart monitor is connected to monitor when the heart stops.

Once the inmate is finished, the warden gives the signal to bring the prisoner to the execution chamber. They are either rolled in by gurney, or walk in to be strapped in one, or a table.

After being restrained, IV's are inserted into the inmates arms by the execution team, the tubes are threaded through the wall to the anteroom where the executioner is at.

When the IV's are in the prisoner is allowed a final statement either written or verbal, the statement is recorded then released to the media.

Unless a call is received from state officials the execution goes on as planned.

Lethal injection machines can be used or its done manually, the execution team is hidden from view, or wearing a hood. Only one is delivering the lethal injection, the other are putting it in a dummy bag and no one knows which one.

The drugs are administered in this order,

Anesthetic, to put them to sleep.
Paralyzing agent, to paralyze the lungs and stop the breathing.
And a toxic agent (Not used in all states) to induce cardiac arrest.

A physician declares the inmate dead. The body is placed in a body bag, and taken to a medical examiner who may preform an autopsy. Then the body is either claimed by the prisoner's family, or by the state.