Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Friday, February 22, 2013

Charlie Sheen Pulls A “Charlie Sheen”: Threatens His Associate With Shotgun

Back in 1990 Charlie Sheen accidentally shot his then-girlfriend Kelly Preston, and only 19 years later he threatened his wife Brook Mueller with a knife to her throat after a Christmas Ever fight in Coloradio. #Winning? Looks like Charlie may have found himself in a bit of more trouble

A former associate of Sheen  has recently filed a report with the LAPD claiming that Sheen threatened to shoot him to death with a Super 90 semi-automatic shotgun, reports TMZ.

The man claims he is deathly afraid that Charlie will murder him after the two had a recent falling out.

Sheen reportedly sent a text message to a mutual friend, stating: “I’ll blow his head off with my Super 90.”

But a source close to Sheen tells TMZ the accuser is “a dishonorably discharged military person with multiple probation violations who is trying to shake him down for money.”

The case is currently under investigation.

Now here we see that Charlie sheen keeps getting into trouble, 

now if this was anyone else being accused or even convicted of such things like these wouldnt stand a chance in court and would go directly to jail and/or prison. I honestly think that charlie sheen shouldn't b able to have a gun or any weapon tht cld cause any kind of distruction. but yet he still gets them. but does he buy them legally after these + many other charges tht he has picked up in the past 5yrs?(especially with weapon charges)?

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