Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Galliano's Hitler Rant

John Galliano has spent the last month working with Oscar De La Renta most likely trying to better his career after the hitler rant that went viral. Christian Dior fired Galliano after the video was released of him making racist and anti sematic comments while at a restaurant in France. Some of the comments that were made were about their mothers and forefathers would have been gassed and that he loves hitler. Galliano appeared at a police station shortly after for the accusations, apparantly making anti sematic remarks can get you up to 6 months in prison in France. Natalie Portman, who is the spokesperson for the Dior brand, is Jewish and said she would not be associated with him anymore. Galliano was brought on to De La Renta's team as a temporary employee. De La Renta believes that someone so talented deserves a second chance.

1 comment:

avatarstarr said...

haha hitler one of the most craziest yet smartest leaders of the world in our history. did u also know tht hitlers body was never really found but there was s puddle of plutonium where his body was said to be layn but after a few years of research they came up with the theory of tht hitler had created the very 1st time machine in history. the only thing left behing was some plutonium and a few burn marks on the ground and on the wall where the time machine was said to be.