Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Proposed law in Arkansas about abortion.

Information, what stage the infant would be at.

Arkansas has passed a law, banning abortion at twelve weeks of pregnancy. This law was passed by the Republican legislature, over the veto of governor Mike Beebe, but the state senate voted to override his veto, as well as the house. Although this law contradicts supreme court decisions, which gave women basically 24 weeks of pregnancy before they could no longer have an abortion. With our constitution, it may or may not pass, it depends on the majority of people who are against abortion, and our king and queen's opinion on the matter. Although I'd like to think, if it is what the general public wants, it is possible. As an idea, I'm a little wishy washy, because I feel that in twelve weeks, it is true that the baby has developed far, there is brain activity occurring. Although, I don't know that a person could find out in time if they are pregnant, in 24 weeks, at least it's quiet fairly obvious. We need to study more in the matter what is going on with the unborn child, whether or not it is considered "alive" or has the capability to think and be aware. We also have to decide whether or not if we should be "playing god" in this matter.


Unknown said...

I am neutral on the stand of abortion but it seems to me that Beebe is trying to override the supreme court. I know states rights and all but I believe that he will be confronted by the supreme court about this law. I agree we do need to study more into when a child becomes alive.

avatarstarr said...

I think the mother should have the child when they are pregnant.unless the women/girl was a victim of rape and had been impregnated by the rapist.
Who knows what he/she could accomplish and you'll never know unless u give the child it's chance at life itself.