Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Online Gambling

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a bill legalizing internet gambling. They included a ten year trial period for online betting, and raising the taxes on the Atlantic City casinos online winnings from 10 to 15%. New Jersey is the third state to legalize gambling over the internet. Now I might be be wrong, but this seems like a very bad idea. First of all it makes it much easier for addicts to gamble, and with all the advertisements through the internet that can constantly show advertisement. Second of all, hacking. There will always be a hacker that will find a way on the internet.


marebear said...

HAHAH! That picture is from Gambler's General Store in Las Vegas. I used to work there. My Aunt still works there. I used to work with the guy whose picture is on the poker chip. Small world. :-)

avatarstarr said...

This is why u adopt a 15yr old kid and when u get $680,000 in debt u tell them that your kid stole ur credit card and they can't hold a minor to a contract therefore the contract is obsolete and the online casino loses $680,000, and u take urself outta debt.

Just like ellermens son and buying xbox games online with his and his wifes credit card and when they got the bill they called xbox and explained the situation to them and they had to send in a birthcirtificate or a copy of proving that he was a minor so they had to give ellermen all his money back. (short version of his story)

Unknown said...

I definitely agree with the last statement. I think it is way to risky for online gambling because there are so many uncertainties and you never know if anyone is playing truly fair.

Marina Lisovskiy said...

In France, this online gambling is a scary reality. As the author of the post says, it is the easiest way for addicts to continue exercising their "hobby". But this is also the way to recruit new followers. France is the country of small villages, but casinos are situated in big cities only. So, almost 10% of the rural population constitute almost 80% of the gamblers. Very sad statistics, as you can see....