Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1.(I'd say everyone has been doing their best with the busy lives tht all of us in the group have)So i'd give me a 5. say tht we need some who can actually mke a little bit of time so tht we as a group can meet up nd maybe rehears for things such as our mid term so everything is decided upon in the last 15seconds b4 class.but i dnt think we should eliminate neone from the group cuz in actuality we wrk well together when we are upon one another as a group.
A. Showing up : 10B. Doing your fair share:6C. Being on time:10D. Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members:7E.Handling conflict among group members:7F.Being present in the group--not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting:10
1.listen to one another
2.try and be available to meet up as a group outside of school as often as need be
3. dont come with a hang over.
4.treat every1 in the group the way u expect to b treated
5.stay in contact with one another as much as possible.

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