Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Midterm Reflection

Please refelct on your midtermm assignment and its presentation. Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was, and answer the following questions:

1. In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less? How did that affect your group's performance? Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).
It is not easy to work in groups, but as the group leader I felt like I was relied on a little too much. Yes, I should be providing clarifications and making sure everyone is doing their part and working together, but when I have to actually walk every single team member through each of their parts individually then it all becomes overwhelming. I would definitely say that I was one that did more than my fair share in this group. We ended up being able to perform alright I guess, but sometimes things were made ten times more complicated then they needed to be. Although, when someone doesn't do their blog it is a poor look on our blog posts and the overall quality of the blog. I would give myself a 9 because there were a few times where it may have taken me a little while to respond to calls or texts, but for the most part I was always available and in class to provide clarification.

2. If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point? If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job? No need to name names.
Yes, unfortunately there are a few members in my group who are not involved at all and don't really communicate that well. If I were to be adding someone else to the group they would definitely have to be reliable and have excellent communication skills. A group cannot succeed without communication.

3. How important were basic workplace rules in your group? Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:A. Showing up : 10
B. Doing your fair share: 7
C. Being on time: 5
D. Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members: 10
E. Handling conflict among group members: 9
F. Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting: 10

4. Please come up with 5 rules for having an effective group:
2. Ask questions, but attempt to answer them yourselves before reaching out.
3. Pay attention in class
4. Try to be available outside of class
5. Do your part of the bargain.

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