Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Against the Death Penalty

When you see or hear stories about how a person murdered or raped someone or hurt someone to one extent or another you probably think yes they deserve the death penalty. These people probably don't deserve to live but at what cost. Each year California's taxpayers pay about $90,000 to put someone on death row than they would be paying for a life sentence. California alone could save roughly around a billion dollars over the next 5 years by replacing the death penalty with permanent imprisonment. Although its not just about the cost in a literal sense, it's also about the cost of taking a life for another life to make something right. There are many people who have been proven or presumed innocent after being on death row. Whats sad is that most of them that were proven innocent were already executed or had been on death row for quite a few years just waiting to die for something they didnt do. When they are executed there are usually a few executioners so no one will know which one actually killed the inmate but thats still murder as well so how does that make it right. Some of these people may deserve it but is it really right for us to take their life away as well?

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