Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Group Dynamics

Find an article on group dynamics that roughly approximates what your experience was:

1.  In your group were there people who did more than their fair share, and those who did less?  How did that affect your group's performance?  Where would you put your own contribution, among the most or among the least?  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate your performance compared to the others in the group (5 would be the average contributor).

Yes, and sadly yes. Me :( I'm pretty sure I made things not as good as it coul've and I'm very sorry. I'm medium I did my other things, I stidied alot on the death penalty on how is done but I wasnt there and thats bad. But since I was absent Id give me a big fat 1 :( and I wasnt able to text to let people even know

2.  If you could, would you remove a member from your group at this point?  If you could add someone, what would be his or her characteristics that would add to the ability of your group to do its job?  No need to name names.

No, I like our group and we always come up with good ideas, but if we added someone itd be someone who could hold together the small amount of disharmony we have

3.  How important were basic workplace rules in your group?  Rate on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important the were the following:

A.  Showing up: 10
B.  Doing your fair share: 10
C.  Being on time 10
D.  Responding timely to email and communicating effectively with other members 10
E.  Handling conflict among group members 10
F.  Being present in the group -- not distracted by outside cell phone calls or text messages when the group is meeting. 7

(I say 10 because important even if we didnt make it happen)

4.  Please come up with Five Rules for Having an Effective Group.

1: make sure you can always keep contact with at least leader tell leader everything
2: if one group memeber is fooling around attempt to push them to try harder
3: make sure there is harmony try to be the harmony keeper
4: always be postive when responding to someones idea, never say, thats dumb, say maybe thats good but instead
5: Listen to leader!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First off I want to tell you that I'm impressed with your honesty in the critique of yourself. I also agree with your rules.