Fortune, Charity, Connections, Connviction
"Escape To Your Happy Place"

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Assignment 8

I'd like you to reflect on the NationState game. What's working, and what isn't? How is your nation making its decisions, and are you happy with it? Would you like your nation to be more aggressive, or less, or take another route? Do you have an agreed-upon strategy for dealing with other countries or city-states? Are you proactive or reactive? Are there examples in the real world that you are using as models for where you'd like your nation to end up? Which ones and why? Use standard blogging rules for both your original blog entry and your comment.

I like the NationState game, the problem I'm having is that it seems like very scrambled; which isn't really anyones fault considering the game is still "new".
When making decisions we just kind of all throw ideas out there and then considered everything; then as a group figure out the best decision weighing the pro's and con's.
I am happy with the way things are decided in our country because it gives everyone the chance to present their "argument" and then from their the can see where the idea is good and bad.
Our philosophy was to just not socialize with the other groups and not bother them; that was last I heard, but I was not in class on April 19th, so things might have changed since then.
I personally am looking at Switzerland for some decisions and Englands "older style" of government for other decisions. I love Switzerland's policies when it comes to foreign countries; they just don't get involved. And I love Englands "old school" style of government because it worked/s very well for them; they are efficient (though sometimes slower) and try to keep mistakes to a minimum, which is a great quality in a government. 


Hilary Francis said...

I have to agree with some of your ideas. We also did not want to start war or make any other country mad try just to remain neutral . Now we don't really have a choice. It will be interesting to see how everyone's wars turned out.

Unknown said...

I agree w/ how your group makes decisions. I believe our group goes about choices the same way. Our country will discuss terms and if we can all agree then great but if we can't then game on. It will be interesting to see how the game plays out.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kayla that the game seems scrambled. I think we need more time to work on our countries. In class is difficult because there just isn't enough time to get everything done. I can't believe I'm thinking the "H" word, but yes we need homework to get some of the work done on our countries.